Naše služby


Digitalisation of human-centred activities in industrial shop floors 

Services delivered within our core framework of the I3D Industrial Services portfolio

I3D-WF — Human-centric workflow designer: Definition and/or update of workflows: Work locations, actions, events, resources, tools.
I3D-WO — Work order management: Composition of work orders for workflow designed by by I3D-WF. Schedule and Assigning work orders to worker(s).
I3D-LE — Work order learning:  Learning of work order in virtual reality smart glasses mode
I3D-WE – Work order execution: Execution of work order in AR (augmented reality) smart glasses mode
I3D-WR – Work order completion reports: Work order reports through steps and actions (worker multimedia inputs)
I3D-RA – Remote assistant: Online remote support for technician / worker in work order execution (I3D-WE)
I3D-OC – Industrial Object recognition services: moving objects, machines, products, QR-codes
I3D-AP – Interfaces and connectors: APIs to connect with ERP (SAP, Oracle) and process control systems (IoT) of the Client site.

Sectorial solutions

Sector-specific solutions of I3D services

Workplace learning: I3D-VT – Industrial virtual tour: VR presentation – a virtual tour of the industrial plant (Smart glass and desktop). Navigation to work order locations.

Building construction work management

  • I3D-WODM –  Work order design and management for construction BIM supported)
  • I3D-WOEA – Work order execution assistance. Mobile application for navigation and tasks progress and notification of field workers
  • WODM and WOEA implementation in Metro station capital repair (Munich – Germany) and of a new High-Speed Railway Station construction (Murcia – Spain) 

Iron and steel: implementation of remote assistance service during blast furnace capital repairs
Utilities and Petrochemicals: workflow management of particular maintenance tasks
Public transport: overnight technical inspection checks of public transport passenger buses in a European Capital. Inspectors using VR/AR smart glasses for online digitalisation of check made.


Nevyhnutným nástrojom k novým produktom a službám zabezpečujúcim rast regiónu, prežitie a dlhodobý rozvoj firmy sú inovácie.

  • INOFORM – Generický systém pre riadenie inovačného procesu v podniku, v regióne či v priemyselnom sektore;
  • i3D – Použitie technológií VR/AR pre implementáciu moderných systémov údržby v priemyselných podnikoch;
  • iTraffic – Inteligentné riadenie svetelných križovatiek na základe počtu vozidiel pred semaforom a štatistík z dopravy;
  • Process Cloud – Ľahko dostupné, lacné, používateľom prispôsobiteľné automatizované procesy pre stredné a malé firmy v cloude;
  • GIV (Global Innovative Views) – Virtuálne 3D prehliadky pre vnútroné aj vonkajšie prostredie;
  • CORTS – Inteligentné senzory, rozpoznávanie a trackovanie objektov v cloude.