From April 27th to April 28th, 2023, the Consortium Partners of the Cogito project met in Edinburg.
The Consortium Partners of the Cogito project met for the 6th time at the The University of Edinburgh for the General Assembly to discuss the project progress, focusing especially on the new pilot site in Munich. Mr. Martin Straka team leader from Novitech a.s. presented progress related to the development of Workflow management tools WODM (Work Order Definition and Monitoring tool) and WOEA (Work Order Execution Assistance tool). These applications will be implemented on the first pilot site in Munich in the next weeks.
The project is entering to the phase of pilot implementation, our tools are the orchestrator of the most important parts of the project – Digital Twin Platform and Process Optimalization System. In next month, we will focus on user experiences and fine-tuning of both tools.